For media or general inquiries or to request a Ride application, please contact:
info@kylepettycharityride.com or 704-714-4545
For Kyle Petty autograph requests, please send to the Kyle Petty Charity Ride office address listed below. Please include proper return postage and packaging. You must send in a prepaid return label with prepaid postage or the proper number of stamps to return your signed items. We cannot accept cash to cover the shipping cost. Please also limit your request to two items.
Office Location:
Kyle Petty Charity Ride
10720 Sikes Place, Suite 145
Charlotte, NC 28277
For inquiries pertaining to Victory Junction, please use the following information:
Address: 4500 Adam's Way, Randleman, NC 27317
Phone: 336-498-9055
Website: www.victoryjunction.org